2 Spirituality Studies 9-2 Fall 2023 An Interview with Michael James: Martin Dojčár Received September 22, 2023 Revised October 1, 2023 Accepted October 1, 2023 Key words Ramana Maharshi, Advaita Vēdānta, jñāna, ātma-vicāra, yoga In this interview with Martin Dojčár, Michael James discusses the core of Śrī Ramana Maharshi’s teachings, providing an overview as a kind of roadmap that includes their philosophical framework conceptualized in the terminology of Advaita Vēdānta darśana, as well as their direct implications for contemplative spiritual practice. The teachings’ conceptual and spiritual aspects are addressed in terms of their textual grounding in primary literary sources. The Teachings of Ramana Maharshi Clarify the Philosophy and Practice of Advaita Vēdānta

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