62 Spirituality Studies 9-2 Fall 2023 to confront destructive impulses that can lead to suffering and alienation. Merton’s insights reach as far as the story of Noah and the Great Flood, where he meditates on the significance of the ark as a symbol of salvation and the covenant between God and humanity. He draws parallels between the floodwaters of chaos and the waters of baptism, emphasizing the transforming power of God’s mercy to cleanse and renew. Reflecting on the Book of Exodus, Merton sees the figure of Moses as the central figure of liberation and leadership. He reveals the richness of the scene when Moses spots the burning bush, emphasizing the sacredness of ordinary experiences and understanding them as a call to respond to God’s invitation openly and humbly. The liberation of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt becomes central to his perspective, with Merton emphasizing the themes of trust, faith, and the challenges of the journey towards freedom. He points out the connections between the Israelites’ desert wanderings and the spiritual journey of individuals seeking a deeper connection with God. Merton’s reflections on the Ten Commandments shed light on the moral and ethical framework they provide for human life. He emphasizes the importance of the commandments in promoting a just and harmonious society, as well as their role in guiding personal relationships and spiritual growth. The book concludes with Merton’s reflections on the construction of the Tabernacle, a symbol of God’s presence among the Israelites. He discusses the profound symbolism of the elements of the tabernacle and their representation of various aspects of the spiritual life, from prayer and sacrifice to the inner sanctuary of the heart. Like most of Merton’s works, this book encourages a deeper exploration of the relationship between man and God and the transformative power of encountering sacred stories. The Benedictine tradition has perhaps been the place in history through which the richness of the lectio divina approach has come down from antiquity to us and remains a constant inspiration. What makes these notes exceptional is Merton’s ability to bridge the gap between the ancient world and the modern reader. He seamlessly links the historical context of the texts with the struggles and new insights of contemporary life. He looks at the moral dilemmas faced by the patriarchs or the parallel between the Israelite exodus and a personal journey to spiritual liberation in a way that makes his insights inspiring for contemporary people. The book is a testament to Thomas Merton’s enduring legacy as a spiritual guide and thinker. His ability to breathe new life into old texts and make them relevant to the modern seeker is commendable. This book offers a wide range of interested readers a valuable opportunity to penetrate in a new way two fundamental narratives that have shaped human thought for millennia. doc. RNDr Adrián Slavkovský, PhD. adrian.slavkovsky@upol.cz

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